
Eclectic and commonly infrequent blog entries by Ken Loge

A Ladder of Trust

When I was in college I worked as a theater technician. The job was very physical and required me to learn about rigging systems, set construction, and theatrical lighting. As a new employee I was assigned mostly menial work, which involved pulling nails and staples from wood that had previously bee...


The Farmer Toy

Farmer Well Hung

So what is this peculiar plastic toy? It is obviously from a high quality and surely very expensive farm toy set our son received as a birthday present when he was a toddler. Like many toys depicting humans and animals, the level of detail present in the mold is not exactly anatomically correct (o...


Text Editing Hacks

Have you had a text-free day? By that I mean have you made it to whatever hour of the day you are reading this and not typed or tapped any characters on an electronic device? I would wager that you haven't, and I would also wager that you, in the company of so many, could improve the efficiency of y...


Healthy Computer Use

One of the most common health problems arising from regular computer use is repetitive stress injury. This essentially means we are treating our bodies like a machine and doing too much of the same thing for too long. By doing this we are forcing our bodies to respond with inflammation. This inflamm...